The researchers of IDIS have written several book and contributed numerous books chapters and journal articles. For a full list of their publications, please refer to their personal pages. Below we provide an indicative list of recent books that were published under the auspices of the Institute.

Greece – EU: 1981-2021
Edited by
Argyris Passas
Constantine Arvanitopoulos
Marilena Koppa
Pedio, 2021

A Century of International Relations, 1919-2019
Edited by
Andreas Gofas
Georgios Evangelopoulos
Marilena Koppa
Andreas Gofas
Georgios Evangelopoulos
Marilena Koppa
Pedio, 2020

The Greek Junta and the International System
Edited by
Antonis Klapsis, Constantine Arvanitopoulos, Evanthis Hatzivassiliou, Effie G. H. Pedaliu
Antonis Klapsis, Constantine Arvanitopoulos, Evanthis Hatzivassiliou, Effie G. H. Pedaliu
Routledge, 2020

The Governance System of the European Union
Edited by
Constantine Stephanou
Constantine Stephanou
Nomiki Bibliothiki, 2020

The Colonels' Junta: Anatomy of a 7-year Regime
Edited by
Spyros Vlachopoulos
Dimitris Keridis
Antonis Klapsis
Spyros Vlachopoulos
Dimitris Keridis
Antonis Klapsis
Patakis, 2019