Anahit Nalbandian holds a Doctorate in International Relations from Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences (2012-2017) and a Master’s degree in International and European Studies from the University of Macedonia (2009-2011). She teaches at Yerevan State University (since 2011) and the Military Academy of the Ministry of Defense of Armenia (since 2017). She was also from 2020 head of the editorial and publishing sub-department in the Department of Quality Assurance for Education and Sciences. She served as Senior Expert in the Office of the Security Council of Armenia (2019-2020) and as Top Specialist in the Department of Defense Policy (2018-2019).
She is specialized in the following subjects:
EU Foreign and Security Policy, Analysis of International Security Issues, Security Issues in the South Caucasus and the post-Soviet Region.
Articles include:

  1. “The Eastern Partnership” of the E.U. with the countries of the South Caucasus (Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia) in the light of security and regional stability”.
  2. “The relations of the European Union with the countries of the South Caucasus (Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia)” in the book “The enlargement of the European Union to the East and its effects”, Stergios Babanasis, Papazisi Publications 2018.
  3. “Higher military education as a factor of ensuring national security” Military Journal, V. Sargsyan Military University of the Ministry of Defense of Armenia N2 (3), 2020.
  4. “Creating the system of war prevention through foreign relations” Military Journal, V. Sargsyan Military University of the Ministry of Defense of Armenia N1, 2019.
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