Since the summer of 1992, the Institute has been organizing annually The IDIS International Studies Summer Seminar. Its main purpose is threefold:
- To invite world-leading IR scholars, so as to promote the academic study of IR in Greece.
- To foster the creation of international scholarly networks of cooperation.
- To provide a platform for the professional socialization of young researchers.
For the first six years, the Summer Seminar took place on the island of Corfu. In 1998, it moved to the island of Hydra and, more recently, to the island of Tinos, hosted by the Cultural Foundation of Tinos. During the course of these years, hundreds of students have participated, representing more than 30 countries.
During the past five years, the main themes of the Seminar were:
2019: New Developments in Western Balkans and the Eastern Mediterranean
2018: Europe and its neighborhoods: Geopolitics and human flows.
2019: Eastern Mediterranean: Regional Dynamics, Global Trends.
2016: Crisis and Change: The uncertain future of the Eastern Mediterranean
2015: Eastern Mediterranean at the Crossroads.