The Module on the Study of Migrations and Displacement of the IIR is organizing a Closed Workshop on Wednesday, September 22, 2021, in the framework of the ongoing research project “Gendering Violence and Precarity: Women Asylum Seekers in the Eastern Mediterranean” (funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada).

About 25 experts and 5 graduate students (MA and Ph.D. candidates) will participate in the Closed Workshop. Part of the meeting will be taken up with presentations by the Research Team (Professor Evie Tastsoglou, Principal Investigator, Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, Professor Emerita Xanthi Petrinioti, Panteion University and Assistant Professor Chara Karagiannopoulou, Panteion University) to review findings from the first phase of the project*. Professor Jane Freedman, Université Paris 8, Saint-Denis, will provide context and comparative views from other ongoing projects focusing on gender based violence affecting women asylum seekers. Experts have been invited to comment and discuss challenges for researchers, humanitarian actors, advocacy groups and government agents, in view of the rapidly evolving legal and policy regimes including those of the UN, the European Union and Greece.

*See selective findings published in the article: The Gender-Based Violence and Precarity Nexus: Asylum Seeking Women in the Eastern Mediterranean (2021). Front. Hum. Dyn., Refugees and Conflict, Special Research Topic on Gender, Violence and Forced Migration Οpen access.

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