The East Asia Research Program promotes research on the Politics and International Relations of East Asia. The Program will develop its activities in three directions:
design and implementation of research programs and promotion of doctoral and postdoctoral research in the Department of International, European and Area Studies, Panteion University;
- knowledge dissemination through relevant publications and events, including an annual Chinese Studies Seminar, a lecture series by academics of international standing, and other activities;
- the development of the study of East Asia in Greece through the creation of academic networks and synergies with local and foreign academic institutions.
Program team:
- Professor Harry Papasotiriou
- Dr Konstantinos Tsimonis (coordinator)
- Ms Electra Kaltsoni
- Ms Fenia Papakosma
- Professor Zeng Jinghan, Lancaster University
- Dr Igor Rogelja, University College London
- Dr Jerome Doyon, Sciences Po
Selected publications
Igor Rogelja and Konstantinos Tsimonis (2023). Belt and Road: The first Decade (Newcastle: Agenda)
Χαράλαμπος Παπασωτηρίου, Η Κίνα απο την Ουράνια Αυτοκρατορία στην Ανερχόμενη Υπερδύναμη του 21ου Αιώνα (Αθήνα: Εκδόσεις Ποιότητα, 2013)