Ino Afendouli, Ta NEA, February 11, 2023 Can we draw a direct line between the war in Ukraine and unfolding events in our neighbourhood? Yes, if we consider that Russia has influence over…

Ino Afendouli, Ta NEA, February 11, 2023 Can we draw a direct line between the war in Ukraine and unfolding events in our neighbourhood? Yes, if we consider that Russia has influence over…
An Interview with Irina Busygina, Harvard’s David Centre Mariliza Adonopoulou, Liberal, March 17, 2023 How does Putin continue to dominate Russia, while continuing a war that we in the West regard hard and…, 23/01/2023 Why is it that the Global South continues to look on Russia? It is known that in the West the far-right finds in Russia’s anti-hegemonic narrative inspiration. However, in his interview…
EISA PEC 2022: Abstract Submission is Open! 15th Pan-European Conference on International RelationsPanteion University, Athens, 1–4 September 2022 We invite paper, panel and roundtable proposals for submission for the EISA 15th Pan-European Conference on International Relations to…
Professor Andreas Gofas, member of IDIS’s Board of Directors, was appointed member of the Social Sciences and Humanities Council of the National Council for Research and Innovation –Greece’s supreme advisory body for the…
Professor Constantine Arvanitopoulos, member of IDIS’s Board of Directors, gave a talk at the Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies event on “The Great Reset: What COVID-19 Means for Europe”.
The Oxford Handbook of Terrorism, co-edited by Professor Andreas Gofas, member of IDIS’s Board of Directors, is being translated in Turkish.
Professor Andreas Gofas, member of IDIS’s Board of Directors, represented Greece at the Strategic Standing Committee of the High Council of the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence.
The Chief of the Hellenic National Defence General Staff, General Konstantinos Floros, was present at the signing of a Memorandum of Cooperation between the Hellenic Army General Staff and the Institute of International…
The Institute of International Relations, in collaboration with Eurasia Books, is launching a new series of short monographs, called “Bibliothiki IDIS”. The purpose of the series is twofold: first, to contribute to the…
ΤThe Institute of International Relations is joining forces with the Olympia Summer Academy and becomes its co-organizer, along with Navarino Network and the European International Studies Association.